Is this a game of chance?
Token prices depend on the supply and demand dynamics of the market, generally driven by player performance and sentiment. The rewards depend on the player's performance. While there is an element of
How do you calculate tokens prices?
Nobody calculates tokens princes. SVT are freely traded by their owners on our DEX or any third party exchange or even peer to peer.
What drives the price then?
The tokens themselves are freely tradable, and price depends on buyers and sellers. The the reason to hold a player token is to earn financial rewards like dividends in stocks based on the real life player performance (like in Fantasy sports). So the player performance on the pitch should drive the price indirectly.
Who owns SVT?
The software is built by an engineering team, appointed by the SV DAO. Ultimately the project is owned by the community.
How do I earn?
You can earn rewards by holding tokens of players who perform well and are scored high. You can also earn by trading (buying low, selling high).
How are players scored?
Players are scored using the same scoring system as in fantasy sports games.
Which sports are covered?
The goal is to cover all sports, but European Football has always been the most popular game in the world.
What leagues are supported?
Major leagues and competitions. We understand that different leagues may have different difficulty levels, and this will be reflected in the scoring system. This will be voted by the community.
Why use blockchain?
Blockchain allows censorship resistance and security in a decentralised network. When you own a token, you really own it, nobody can take it from you. In traditional iGaming platforms, they can shut down your account if they decide so. This is impossible in a web 3, decentralised world. Blockchan and tokenization can empower a community organised under the umbrella of a DAO (decentralised autonomous organisation).
Last updated